Lead in Drinking Water
Next to chlorine, lead is the most common contaminant found in tap water. Most lead in drinking water comes from lead lined pipes, lead solder, and brass plumbing fixtures inside your home. In fact, the EPA estimates that 98% of all homes have pipes, fixtures or solder joints that can contribute some level of lead to the tap water.
The hazards of lead contamination have received an enormous amount of attention and it is well documented that lead takes its greatest toll on small children. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "lead is the number one environmental health threat to our children." The EPA estimates that lead in drinking water contributes to 560,000 cases of learning disorders in children each year. Even low levels of lead can cause reduced IQ's and behavioral problems. In adults, lead in drinking water causes high blood pressure and reduced hemoglobin production.The biggest tragedy of lead in our drinking water is that it is preventable. Again, high quality residential filters can virtually eliminate the crippling effects of lead on our society, and most importantly, on our children.