Discover the H2O Easy™ WaterGenie™ Line of Whole House Filtration Products. The Simple Affordable Solution For Today's Water Quality Worries

H2O Easy™ WaterGenie™ Line of Whole House
​& Point-of-Entry Contaminant Filtration Products
Are Designed To Protect You From The Worst of What Is Out There

The Simple Affordable Solution for Today's Water Quality Worries

-Chlorine and its bi-products are known carcinogens that have been linked to the increase of several forms of cancer.
-Chlorine is the preferred method for Bacterial control in Municipal water systems.
-Many Bacteria are known to be resistant to Chlorine.
-Traces of Mercury and other heavy metals are found in over 90% of private and municipal water systems.

H2O Easy Whole house water filters are the best the industry has to offer. Utilizing proven contaminant removal technologies that provide the absolute best water quality at affordable pricing. H2O Easy Whole House Water Filtera are virtually maintenance free. You won't find a more cost effective and user friendly water filtration solution. It's time to experience the health benefits of an H2O Easy Water Filtration System. Contact H2O Easy Water Filtration Products today and let me help you make an informed choice for you and your family. Improving water quality doesn't have to be complicated or expensive; With H2O Easy "You Know The Waters Clean".

Call today to get started with a free consultation. you won't believe how easy and cost effective it is to have clean healthy water with H2O Easy. "Only the best will do for our customers; it's the H2O Easy way".

It is a stark and alarming reality that in today’s world, fresh water supplies are being polluted faster than nature can purify it. Ground water contamination is evident in every part of the world. Contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, bacteria and viruses are becoming commonplace in public and private water supply sources and concentrations of these dangerous pollutants is increasing. Chemicals used to keep these water sources free of bacteria and viruses are creating serious health concerns and are damaging to the environment. Chlorine and its by-products have been linked to the increase of numerous physical, mental and neurological disorders and are known to cause many diseases, including some forms of cancer.

Secure Clean, Safe Water for Your Family Today

Don't compromise on your water quality. H2O Easy offers state-of-the-art, affordable whole house water filtration systems designed to protect you from harmful contaminants. Experience the peace of mind that comes with pure, great-tasting water throughout your entire home.

Six-stage filtration process removes bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and more.
Affordable solution - less than half a penny per gallon of purified water.

H2O Easy WaterGenie Six Stage Process Protects Your Family

The solution to the water contaminant problem is simple! H2O Easy™ Water Genie™ Filtration products are both affordable and easy to install and require no regular maintenance and no wasteful back-washing.

These state-of-the-art, multi-stage, Whole-House or Point-of-Entry (POE) water filtration systems selectively remove dangerous contaminants from your municipal water supply while leaving natural trace minerals which are essential for good health, ensuring healthful, great-tasting water for less than half a penny per gallon. For customers who prefer purified water, H2O Easy offers one if the most effective and affordable Reverse Osmosis systems available today.

When only the best will do. H2O Easy Whole House PureWaterGenie provides unparalleled protection and unbeatable water quality throughout your entire home
Stage 1

Replaceable 5-micron Cartridge Filter reduces sediment and particulates, extending the life  of the filter system.

Stage 2

Copper-Zinc Redox media reduces Chlorine, helps balance pH and controls bacteria growth within the carbon bed.

Stage 3

Patented Ceramic-impregnated Coconut shell media permanently bonds and reduces dissolved metals like lead, cadmium and mercury by ion exchange.

Stage 4

Granular Activated Coconut shell carbon media allows for maximum absorption of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) like benzene, Lindane, herbicides and pesticides.  

Stage 5

Granular activated carbon media continues to reduce chlorine while improving water taste, odor and clarity. Also, it is a second line of defense against VOC's and is effective at reducing MTBE.  

Stage 6 (Optional)

Microbiological Reduction Filter uses a specific wavelength of Ultraviolet light to kill a broad range of bacteria, viruses and cysts, including cryptosporidium.

The Ultra Violet option protects against some of the most dangerous pathogens found in water supplies across the country.

Some of the most harmful and dangerous contaminants found in your drinking water supply are microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and cysts. These are the "bugs" that can make you sick and in some cases even kill. H2O Easy offers microbiological UV filters that easily attach to the H2O Easy Whole House Water Filtration System and add that final degree of protection.

Ultraviolet (UV) microbiological filtration is recommended for anyone using ground, well or municipal treated water; or anyone with an Immune Deficiency.  UV disinfection is the EPA’s recommended technology for microorganism control.

Tested and proven effective - Provides an Ultraviolet dosage over twice the Federal requirement (Federal requirement is 16mJ/m²).  The H2O Easy ultra-violet filter utilizes a sophisticated microcomputer control board that monitors the ongoing operational status of the UV filter. An audible alarm will sound with an LED display if the UV filter is not performing to specifications.

The following is a list of the worst which are controlled by the H2O Easy  Ultra Violet Microbiological Filter:

Group Type Disease
Bacteria Coliforms Fever, intestinal disease
Salmonella Typhoid fever
Vibrio Cholera
Legionella Pneumonia
Viruses Hepatitis A Hepatitis
Polio Polio
Parasites Cryptosporidia Cryptosporidiosis
Giardia Beaver fever
Amoeba Amebiasis