All About Water

Water is life.

What I call the trinity of human survival, includes Air, Water & Food. If you remove any one of these, survival is impossible. Without Air (oxygen) we can survive for only a couple minutes, without water only a few days and without food for a few weeks. Water plays a very crucial role in every aspects of how our bodies function and maintain health and vitality.


Why is water quality important?

The human body is 75% water.
The quality of water in your everyday life effects your health and well being in ways you may not even be aware of. From dry skin and brittle hair to proper digestion and assimilation of vital minerals and nutrients to proper organ function; water quality matters!
If you've ever experienced itchy dry scalp or skin, complained about brittle unmanageable hair, it's likely you are experiencing the effects of chlorinated water. Do you experience muscle cramps, tire easily, or often feel a general lack of energy? You may be dehydrated or have mineral deficiency as a result of  poor quality or over filtered water. These are some of the more mundane but real effects of unhealthy water. To be healthy you need healthy water, everyday.    


Where does my water come from?

Knowing where your potable water comes from is step one in determining how it may effect you and what you can do to improve the quality. Are you on a private water system or municipal water system? Municipalities and Water Purveyors are responsible for minimum water standards and are often treated with chemicals to kill bacteria and viruses before distribution to the community, Private systems such as wells or springs are homeowner maintained and often untreated.